
Contacting Technical Support

Technical support is available via email. If you have a true technical question, there are two steps to contacting us. 

First, register your license. You can register online or you can mail your registration card to us.  We cannot answer any technical questions if the registration is not complete.

Next, send technical support (opens email to an email with your question. Please include your serial number.  (The serial number was recorded when you installed the program and is in the About box.) 

Technical Support Policy

We are frequently asked how to set up a particular model using LIMDEP and NLOGIT commands. Unfortunately, this question goes beyond technical support. We have thousands of users and, as much as we would like to, we cannot address general questions on econometric modeling or the translation of theoretical specifications to LIMDEP or NLOGIT commands.

For these types of questions, you might find the LIMDEP List Server helpful.

Technical support is only available for the current versions of our software, LIMDEP 9.0 and NLOGIT 4.0.

Frequently Asked Questions